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What Percentage Monica Geller are You?

Think you're like Monica Geller from Friends? Take this quiz to see just how much!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  May 26th 2022

Know your Friends TV show quotes by heart? Now we bring you a Friends quiz that will see just how much like Monica you are! Let's go

1/10 A person thinking about spelling

In a group of people, what are you most likely to do?

2/10 A man waking up late and checking his alarm clock

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?

3/10 A woman holding an American football

When you play games, what are you like?

4/10 A scene from Friends
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

How’s your hair in the heat and humidity?

5/10 A cat looking at a computer

What's your dream job?

6/10 Ross Geller in Friends
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

What words would your friends use to describe you?

7/10 Sandcastles on the beach

Pick a holiday!

8/10 Ross and Monica's parents
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

What are your family like?

9/10 A Basset Hound

Pick a pet!

10/10 A selection of numbers

Pick a number!

Result: 0% Monica
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

0% Monica

There's not a dot of Monica in you, but maybe you're a Rachel or Phoebe - check out the other quizzes to find out

Result: 50% Monica
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

50% Monica

Come to think of it, a 50-50 split between you and Monica sounds like a blam combination!

Result: 80% Monica
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

80% Monica

So you're a full dose of Monica, nearly a full Monica! Maybe you're a bit like Joey or Rachel too, check out the other quizzes for that!

Result: 100% Monica
Friends | Bright/Kauffman/Crane Productions Warner Bros. Television | NBC

100% Monica

Woah! You are a TOTAL Monica!